Using Fluid with Controllers

To click on buttons or links, point your cursor at them and pull the trigger. To scroll, point your cursor at the page and use the thumbstick. To right click, use the "B" button on your dominant hand controller. In the URL bar of the browser, The "B" button will act as an Enter/Return key so you can "Go" to websites.

To type in Fluid when using controllers only (e.g. when not using a Bluetooth keyboard), you can open the virtual keyboard with the Keyboard button found in the lower right hand corner of the Omnibox. You can either poke keys with the controller pointer when is close to you, or you can click on each key from a distance.

Moving Windows

When your cursor is pointed anywhere at a window, you can use the grip button on your controller to move it. You can bring it closer or move it farther away while gripping a window by using the thumbstick. You can also move windows by clicking and dragging from the white bar at the bottom of each window.

"Type what I say" (e.g. speech to text)

When your cursor is hovered over a text input, pressing and holding the "A" button on your dominant hand controller activates "speech to text" and Fluid will type whatever you say. You can use this for domain names ("Youtube dot com" will become ``) or for regular sentences like sending a Discord message with "Hey, have you tried Fluid yet? Go download it!". When this mode is active, a big pulsing red dot appears near your controller.

P.S. Your microphone is in your headset, not your controller, so no need to hold it up to your mouth when talking!

Reset your position

To reset your position in the virtual room, or bring your workspace back to yourself when you put the headset back on, press and hold the Oculus/Meta button on your right controller.

Dominant Hand

In Meta Quest, you can use the system settings to set which hand is your dominant hand. The default is Right.

Last updated